Prayer Services
Marriage Services
We offer pre-marriage advice to couples about to join each other in the holy bond and commitment of matrimony.
Masjid Fatima Al Zahra offers Nikkah ceremony and Event services for the Long Island community.
Requirements for Nikah
- Mutual agreement to marry between the bride and groom (Ijab-wa-Qubul).
- Two Male adult male witnesses.
- Dowry (mahr) to be paid by the groom to the bride.
- Guardian (wali) for the bride.
- Written marriage contract (Aqd-Nikah or Nikah nama) signed by the bride and groom, and the two witnesses.
- Marriage sermon (khutbah).
Ask the Imam
Areas of counseling include:
- Marriage Counseling
- Parent/Child Counseling
- Family Counseling
Funeral Services
Food Pantry
Senior Food Pantry provides Monthly to Senior in need and operates in partnership with Island Harvest Food Bank. Assistance is contingent upon the applicant meeting the eligibility requirements of the program.
Food Pantry provides food to individuals and families every Friday 1 pm -3 pm.
Please help us support the needy families in our local communities by making monetary donation on our website at by clicking on the “DONATE HERE “button and selecting the food pantry options
The goals of the Islamic Classes offered at Masjid Fatima Al Zahra is to have the children learn about the basics of the Deen, learn to recite the Qur’aan, develop an attachment to the Masjid, Qur’aan and Deen, and inculcate discipline, respect of elders, and obedience of rules. To accomplish these goals, we offer the Weekday Quraan Program and the Sunday Islamic Classes.
Educational Programs
The Mosque holds regular lectures and special events in which our community may expand their knowledge. The programs include Quran commentary and wisdom, lessons from the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him), history of Muslim civilization, the proper performance of rites of worship (like prayer and Hajj), and much more.
Masjid Fatima Al-Zahra
Cultural Programs

Daily and
Friday Prayers

Saturday Adult Seerah & Tajweed Halaqa

Sunday Islamic Education Program

Evening Classes

Various Programs
for Adults

Daily and Weekend
Summer Camp



Ramadan Program
